
  • Intent – All sessions commence with a clarification of the Client’s Healing Intent
  • Responsibility - Each Client becomes responsible for taking control of, and owning, their healing process
  • Facilitation - Our facilitators hold a space of reflection, acceptance, and non-judgement in which the Client is able to access new understandings and realisations about their situation and their path
  • Restoring Good Health - The body’s natural function is to restore health and support life. We provide help where needed to re-connect and re-empower the natural energetic flow which keeps the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of self-aligned and working in harmony


  • Life is a Journey, full of experiences, opportunities to learn, to express, and to grow
  • Our individuality, our personality, our unique perspectives, all contribute to the diversity and richness of our collective experiences and expressions and therefore bring increasing benefits to our self, our family and friends, our work, extending into our communities, and ultimately adding to our collective experience as a united, connected, and loving humanity

Pillars of Respect

  • Equity – All people are of Equal Value, and shall be treated that way
  • Integrity – Honouring the Journey of Self, frees All Others to do the same
  • Faith – What we Believe in is what we Create, therefore by allowing our beliefs to grow and expand we bring into our own experiences a rich abundance that extends way beyond monetary wealth

Awakening Consciousness

  • Our connection with nature’s cycles and flows enhance the quality of our life experiences
  • ​Expanding our Awareness to the big picture of life, brings new perspectives for greater understanding and facilitates our personal growth
  • Everyone and everything is interconnected and fulfils a specific and highly-valued purpose
  • All needs are met concurrently through the invisible mechanisms of our synchronous Universe 

White Light Transformations